Sunday, May 4, 2014

Panama Wildlife

     No blog about Panama would be complete without an occasional discussion of the animals native to this country. The wildlife here is ubiquitous and diverse. Let's talk about birds, for example. We no longer need an alarm clock. It gets very bright very early here, but if that isn't enough to stir you from your slumber, maybe the cacophony lovely chorus of a variety of birdsong will get you moving. There must be no less than 357,989 birds who gather for a rowdy vociferous convention every morning, right outside our window. They all talk at the same time, too. No parliamentary procedure here. All kidding aside, I enjoy the birds. It has been a challenge trying to photograph them, but I was able to snap a few today.

There are so many varieties, and what is around us here in Coronado is only the tip of the iceberg. There are highland areas and forests with hundreds of species. The Audubon Society of Panama states that 976 species of birds have been recorded in this country-an impressive amount for a country approximately the size of South Carolina. This is owing in part to Panama's geographical location, and in part to the variety of habitats found here.

The squirrels also showed up for the photo shoot today. They were pulling  berries off of one of the trees, and scampering about on limbs and wires. Show-offs. 

     When we were down here a year ago, we traveled all over the country,  and saw a variety of animals, ranging from a species of crocodile to chickens in trees. 

Spying out the birds, insects, and other animals here is one of the highlights of wandering around this country. I am certain, however, that as I am peering at them, thinking about how unique and funny they are, that the sentiments are reciprocated.