Cigar Factory |
Factory Store |
Lo and behold, we had found it, in spite of our gringo predisposed idea of how a factory should look. We parked, and went inside, where a lady was attending the retail part of the establishment. She informed us that the workers-both of them-had already gone home for the day, but we were welcome to tour the factory. There was an open door to our right, and we proceeded to take the self-guided tour of the factory, which I am going to treat you to now.
Workers' tables
Now, if that is not quaint, I don't know what is. By the time we toured their workplace that day, they were already on the porch at home with a cold beer. There are two morals to this story. 1.) Not everything is as seem, grasshopper. We really need to break out of our culture-snobbery shells and realize that not everyone does things the "American" way. This little factory functions just fine, and 2.) If you lean back in your chair at 2:45 and say, "Well, I have done my best, honestly earned a few bucks today, I believe I'm gonna pick it up again tomorrow," the world is not going to come to a screeching halt. The economy won't collapse, and nobody is going to die.
Frankly, I love the idea that they don't have to work grueling twelve-hour sweat shop hours in this culture. Many of us stayed on the American hamster wheel long enough to have plantar fasciitis and bad backs. Take a lesson from Panama, folks. Go home early and relax.
La Pintada, Panama |