Monday, April 28, 2014

Flora and Fauna

     I love a tropical environment.When you think tropics, you picture palm trees, coconut groves, hibiscus, and the like.Here in Panama, we are at the tail end of the dry season, which in theory means that the trees, grass, leaves, flowers, etc. should be at their absolute worst for the year.Maybe they are, but if that is the case, I can hardly wait to see what this place looks like after five or six months of consistent rainfall. I may need a machete to go to the car.There is bougainvillea everywhere, blooming madly in intense colors. There are trees that bloom in vivid flaming yellow and orange, and bright green banana trees, laden with fruit.

There are farmer's produce stands everywhere, and the pineapple (for about a buck) is sweet, tender and juicy, the watermelon is deep red, nearly seedless, and delicious.We stopped yesterday at a stand where we bought cold, fresh squeezed sugar cane juice ($2).Will this become old hat? I don't think so.
     Sitting on the patio, we can watch frolicking squirrels (they are long and skinny with really long tails, and come in different colors).The hummingbirds frequent the blooms in the flower beds early in the morning.By night, the little lizards are all over the house stalking bugs, and we have seen some huge green lizards further out in the yard. The birds start singing with the first light, and don't stop till dusk. The prettiest ones we have spied are a cornflower blue, and quite camera-shy.We plan on venturing to different regions where even more exotic species of plant and animal are found, but for now, we are enjoying what is right outside the door.