Sunday, April 27, 2014

Sunday Drive:The Beach at Gorgona, Panama

     We decided to go for a drive today. There was not a big agenda-we were planning on grabbing a bite to eat, seeing what stores were open on a Sunday, and trying to find a gym we read about online. Our meanderings took us down the Pan American Highway, and down the road toward a town called Gorgona. We decided to check out the beach. The quality of the road deteriorated the closer we got to the beach, with ruts and potholes galore (prompting me to consider briefly whether this was a bad idea). We found a place to park, and began walking toward the noise. And I don't mean the noise of crowds at the beach. I mean Nature's Tympani. The glorious and magnificent sound of huge powerful waves relentlessly crashing the shore. 

Gorgona, Panama
     To say that it was a metaphor for the majesty of nature is the epitome of all understatements. I decided then and there that I no longer needed shelter. Just give me a sleeping bag and let me listen to that for the rest of my life. The waves would lull you into complacency with their rhythm and then slap a huge one onto the shore, as if to remind you who was the boss in this situation. I was standing in the surf, enjoying the warm bath of salt water on my feet, when next thing I knew, I was soaked nearly to my waist. 

Gorgona, Panama
     There were sea birds diving for their dinner, and shore birds chasing to and fro. The horizon was the Pacific, stretching out to eternity, and behind us, in the distance, the jagged mountains stood watch in their shroud of mist. A person can become intoxicated by all this beauty. 

Shore birds on the beach

     Panama is a truly amazing place, and the surprises just keep coming. The road might be bumpy, but the splendor we found at the end was well worth it. 

1 comment:

  1. This is absolutely beautiful! You are right this would be the best place to sleep. The is an adventure of a lifetime! Enjoy!
