Monday, May 5, 2014

What's the Food Like?

     I have been asked many times about the Panamanian cuisine. Many people think that if it is south of the Texas border, it is all tacos and enchiladas. Not true. Latin America does not equal Mexico, and each country has its own special dishes. There are some similarities, mainly because of the crops indigenous to this part of the world.  
     The first meal we ever had in this country was seafood. It is readily available, fresh, and inexpensive. They often batter the whole fish and deep fry it, and it is presented sometimes in a way that is a little flamboyant. 

Fried Fish

Okay, a LOT flamboyant. They also offer ceviche, which is a dish made from fish or shrimp that is cured in citrus juices and seasoned. Sancocho is a traditional soup made of meat, often chicken, and vegetables. 


     Empanadas, made by folding dough around stuffing, usually meat or cheese, and frying them, are another Panamanian favorite. Beans and rice are standard fare, and fruit is plentiful. Fried plantains are common, and potatoes are also a regular side dish. I like the thick fried corn tortillas, comparable in flavor to hush puppies. 

Fried meat-filled tortilla dish
  There are American-style restaurants, but in my experience, they tend to have more American style pricing. The most fun and enjoyable cuisine for us has been the small Panamanian style eateries. Most of them are "al fresco" dining, or open air establishments. 

    These are but a few examples of the variety of Panamanian dishes we have read or heard about. I feel certain that I will write future blogs about the food here, but give me a little time for some thorough, um.... research. YUMMY!!!

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