Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Wonderful Rain

     And so it begins. After a long dry spell, today, out of nowhere, the much-heralded rainy season begins. It sounds glorious. It smells fabulous. We went

out on the terrace just to bask in it. The rain pours off of the clay-tiled roof in steady fat rivulets about a foot apart. Big happy drops bounce in the puddles like dozens of shiny crystal beads. The birds, for once, are silent, and objects in the distance are hazy and faded. 

     As it lets up a little, small flying insects appear and dart back and forth as if they are playing tag. A couple of the braver birds come out of hiding, bathing themselves with ruffling of feathers as they sing in the shower. A distant low rumble of thunder rolls across the leaden sky. A couple of minutes later, a dazzling flash and simultaneous shattering crack of thunder explode in the heavens, so intense that we both said we could feel the thunder in our chests. Note to self: Do not underestimate lightning and thunder in Panama. 
     I wonder, if after a few months of this, will I long for sunny and bright, the way Texans pine for Spring by late January? Or will I still be enchanted by it like I am now? It is so peaceful and relaxing, and today I love it. It's a surround-sound nature show. It's an excuse to sit and reflect.  

     It has tapered to a sprinkle now, but the king-sized bowling alley in the sky above still booms and rumbles. The grateful earth drinks deeply. 


  1. I have forgotten what rain is! We could really use some in Texas. Enjoy the rain!

  2. Beautifully poetic post! I felt like I was reading a travel article in a magazine. Thanks for brightening my morning!

    1. Thank you sweet Polly!!! I am having a lot of fun with this.
